204 Dwellings for CP Group in Arroyo del Fresno in Madrid. 142 for C Grupo Inmobiliario. 44 more dwellings for Serprocol in Valdebebas. 171 for Oproler. 78 more for Grupo EM in Getafe…
Right now at PanelSystem® we are in the middle of production, installation and finishing process of more than 600 dwellings in different projects. As usual, we are giving all of our knowledge, technology and care to guarantee the perfect finishes and technical warranties that no one else can offer in the market.
We have started the inside dividing walls work for the 44 dwellings that will conform the Valdebebas 7 promotion, which, as it’s own name states is the seventh promotion in the lot in Valdebebas. A first quality construction that, as long as the six previos promotions, harmonizes the whole building with the empty áreas in the environment, and because of it’s own orientation, this green and leisure family time areas are covered and protected while, at the same time, guarantees sun light in the swimming pool. In PanelSystem® we are proud of being part of this project, designed by the renowned architecture studio Touza Arquitectos, and built by Ruesa for the promotor Serprocol.
Another project in which we proud of being part of, is the 204 VPPB dwellings (social housing) in Arroyo del Fresno, built by Amenabar and designed by Javier Pinilla architect. It’s a social housing project of dwellings with 2, 3 and 4 rooms distributed in four blocks. Every dwelling has two parking lots and storage room and the promotion has superintendent’s office, playground with swings, paddle and swimming pool. Our unique system of dividing walls guarantees the compliance of the technical code (DIT) more than enough and also, perfect finishes and 3 year warranty. This, along with a competitive price make promotors choose PanelSystem® not only for the luxury constructions, but also for more affordable dwellings.
Also a VPPB promotion are the 78 designed by the architecture studio Touza Arquitectos and built by UT Oproler-Velasco for Grupo EM in Getefe. Its a social housing promotion of 78 dwellings at Buenavista in Avenida Manuel de Azaña, Getafe (Madrid) and they are dwellings with 2 and 3 rooms, 2 parking lots for each appartment, storage room and common areas with swimming pool.
Likewise, we are proud of taking part in another project, designed by Touza Arquitectos: 142 dwellings for the promotor C Grupo Inmobiliario, built by Avintia (more information at www.cgrupoinmobiliario.com), and we are also working on 171 dwellings for Inmoglaciar, designed by the same studio and built by Orpoler.