Happy Holydays from the PanelSystem® Team
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Always betting for quality, PanelSystem® starts its new painting division. An added value service offering multiple advantages: HIGHEST QUALITY Due to our strict quality control in every stage of the process PERFECT FINISH Professional painting teams instructed and specialized by…
From December the 3rd the whole PanelSystem® product family will be available in BIMobject for Autodesk Revit and Autocad. In short time the designs in ArchiCAD will be available too. BIM technology its a powerful tool in such fields as…
Always beting for innovation, investigation and development, PanelSystem® soponsors Foro de Innovación en el Sector de la Rehabilitación Energética de Edificios (Innovation Forum in Building Energetic Rehabilitation Field) which is taking place during October and November 2012. PanelSystem® commitment in…
On the 14th of May of 2012 the indoor partition works in 6 houses in Guadalajara, for Hercesa construction company as begun.
On the 2nd of May of 2012 the works of the indoor partition for the 90 dwellings of EMVS for FCC construction company has started.
The colaboration agreement for the execution on indoor partition of 137 «Arroyo Butarque» dwellings (Villaverde – Madrid) of EMVS for FCC construction company is closed.
On the 11th of april of 1012 the PanelSystem R+D+i team, alogn with technical team form the UPV (Universidad de lPaís Vasco) started working in the developing of a new product.
On the 23st of March of 2012 the works on indoor partition for the 174 dwellings for the EMVS (ACCIONA construction company) has begun.